Posted on cohost Aug 13 2023\

Been working on this on and off for a while, finally finished. A prequel to rent a dama where Marcus makes a clone to use for some fun.

Rent a 'Dama: prequel

Kedama wakes up in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by bars. Getting up and peaking out from the cage they're in, they see a bed, a desk, what looks to be an apartment for someone much larger than the little mouse. Suddenly a large orange face looms in front of them. "Finally awake? good."

Kedama stumbles backwards and takes in the looming face, recognizing the orange tabby. "Marcus? Is this your apartment? Did you kidnap me?"

Marcus gives a toothy grin. "Something like that. Here's the deal. I'm going to open the cage, give you ten seconds to hide, and then I'm going to hunt you. Yes I'm serious. No you can't talk me out of it. And when I catch you, you're cat food~"

Kedama gulps. "But we're friends" They protest weakly. It's clear Marcus won't be swayed.

"That's what makes it so good~" He purrs, and then opens the cage door. "Better start running~ 10… 9…"

After sitting in stunned silence for a few seconds, Kedama leaps out of the cage, scurrying underling the bed, hiding behind a shoebox. Heart pounding in thier chest and breathing heavy as Marcus counts down.
"1 … 0… ready or not, here I come little mouse~"

Then silence, followed by the sound of sniffing.
Unable to stand the tension, Kedama peaks out from behind the box, seeing Marcus's paws as he prowls on all fours. He's acting so feral…

It's at this point the mouse notices their name on the side of the shoebox. Gingerly they get on their tippy toes, carefully opening the lid, straining to try and see inside.

They are interrupted by Marcus's voice "I smell a squeak under the bed~"

Startled, they scurry up and into the box, stumbling in with the lid closing behind them, landing on something hard with an oof. Next thing they know the box is sliding, and the lid is lifted to reveal Marcus's grinning face. "I see you found your predecessors~"

Kedama looks down, squeaking in surprise and jumping at what they see: the shoebox is filled with rodent skulls. "H-how many mice have you hunted like this?"

"Not just mice, Kedamas. Clones created from magic and a little fresh blood. Just like you~"

"Y-you're messing with me. There's no way-"

"What's the last thing you remember before waking up?"

"You accidently nicking me with your claw again…" Kedama trails off, thinking of all the times Marcus has "accidently" scratched them. They always thought he was just clumsy with his claws…

"You're just going to keep doing this then? Pretending to be my friend, cloning me, hunting me?"

Marcus smiles. "Oh I'm not pretending. I really do consider us friends. You're just also a potential toy and snack. And I wont keep this up forever, I'm sure I'll get my paws on your original eventually~"
The cat leans in close. "Does that excite you, little mouse?"

Kedama opens their mouth to protest, only to realize they're sporting an erection.
They blush, covering it with their paws. "I… I…"

He chuckles. "It never fails. The worse I threaten to do to you, the more turned on you get. Its part of what makes you such a good toy."

This causes the mouse's ears to lower, blushing deeper. "J-just because its hot doesn't mean I want this. Please I-"

Marcus cuts him off. "I don't care. I want this. You don't get a say in this, snack." With that he grabs Kedama by the tail, lifting them up to his smug face. "I'll tell you what. If you can make it 5 minutes in my mouth without coming, I'll let you go. You can run off and warn your original about the big bad cat." He takes out his phone with his other paw, and sets up a timer.
Kedama gulps in fear, their cock hard as a board. This isn't going to be easy, but they're got to try and survive.
"good luck~" Marcus says before dropping them into his maw and starting the timer.

Landing facedown on his tongue, kedama is immediately met with heat and wetness, the saliva soaking their fur. For a moment, the tongue is still, and the mouse turns themselves around. This will be easier the more I keep that tongue away from my cock, they reason.
The maw closes and everything goes dark, and immediately they find themselves pressed against his front teeth by that tongue. A sharp tooth barely brushing their cock, and that warm tongue slowly licking along their backside. They grimace and try to keep their composure, but then the tip of that tongue is sliding between their little round buttcheeks.
They let out an involuntary moan, pressing their butt back against the tongue. They shake their head, trying to focus on survival.
Suddenly they're pushed to the side of his mouth, and he speaks. "4 minutes left~ Remember, if you cum, you're going to end up less then pretty in my litter box~"
With that his tongue renews its assault, sliding between their thighs, prodding their butt, sliding over their cock. Soon kedama is huffing and squirming, on the edge of orgasm. And again the tongue stops. He's toying with them, they realize. He knows exactly how to push their buttons and he's drawing this out. At any point he could make them cum, and then they'll be cat food. The thought makes their cock throb.
"Why don't you go ahead and finish yourself off? I know you want to. Just let yourself go, and you'll be all mine."
Kedama's voice trembles as they speak up. "Broken down my your stomach…"
Marcus grins. "Yep, digested. dead. Just a pile of cat shit and a memory. 2 minutes left to make it happen."

Kedama squirms, making squeaky whines, before giving in and starting to hump Marcus's wet tongue. It doesn't take long for them to climax, salty mouse cum spraying across Marcus's tongue.
Then with a single gulp, Kedama is sent down Marcus's throat. "There we go, good snack."

Kedama rights themselves in the slimy stomach, leaning back, basking in the afterglow. They're oddly calm, accepting they're just food. They rub themselves all over, still horny and content to just enjoy it until they pass out.